Author: admin

  • Survival Tips – The Best Emergency Food Kit



    Who knows what the future holds? If only we knew, day to day, what challenges would arise, we would never be caught unawares. Unfortunately, life just doesn’t work that way. Those who prefer to look forward and make preparations for the “just in case” scenarios are often painted as fringe lunatics and doomsday peppers. However,…

  • Tire Pressure, Lawyer Litigation and Politics



    Do you remember when the Ford Explorer and Firestone Tire issue rocked the automotive world? It was a huge show down between class action lawyers and the industry, with the government regulators close in tow. Billions of dollars in future company revenues were lost, brand names torched and the lawsuit ended with a huge settlement.…

  • A Case for Whole Food Supplements



    The Standard American Diet (SAD) is lacking in many vital nutritional components. Being largely composed of prepackaged, convenience foods with few naturally grown food products; this diet has contributed to an epidemic of not only obesity but also extreme nutritional deficiency. While many commercially available vitamin and mineral supplements exist, they are manufactured in an…

  • 2008 – Russia’s Legal and Political Climate



    The Russian Federation has their capital located in Moscow, one of the world’s most corrupt cities. Although the chief of state is President Dmitri Mendeleev, many people believe that the real power lies with former president and head of government Premier Vladimir Putin. Presidential elections are held every four years and there is no VP.…

  • The Recession, the Credit Crunch, the Global Economy.



    All it seems to be at the moment is how screwed the world is when it comes to money, you can’t turn on the news without it being in the headlines somewhere. And yes, by all accounts it’s true. People aren’t spending what they used to, people are losing their jobs, some their homes and…

  • Syndrome and Political Nationalism in Nigeria 66



    Nigeria, the Giant of Africa, can boast of her salient Political Nationalists. They are sometimes called “Freedomites”. Most of our children in Schools are constantly reminded of their heroic deeds. But their evil deeds are often neglected. In fact, this article will argue that they all had an Ethnicity Syndrome, through the Tripartition policy of…

  • Investment Politics the Economy and Social Security



    Who wants to be a president; the President of the United States? Social Security reform is the winning ticket. Research supports the thesis that Social Security reform would provide all the lubrication necessary to get our economic ball bearings rolling in the right direction. Economies do not grow, or increase employment, when job providers are…

  • Personal Interest and Politics



    Suppose if we live in the time of Smith, in the middle of the 18th century, when people began to study political economy. Many discussions on the production and distribution put emphasis on social tasks. For traders said that should decide ‘right price’, to not require to take interest on loans and to perform various…

  • How to Improve the US Economy



    The United States has been in a recession since December, 2007, as defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a private, nonprofit research organization. But the American people, and the Osama administration along with the democrat majority congress, seem to be at odds on how to fix the US economy. Choicescart  A robust US…

  • The Economy and the Garbage Truck



    On the way to work this morning I was listening to two people on the radio go on and on about the economy and unemployment. Their contention was as soon as the economy starts to grow again companies will begin to rehire employees and unemployment will drop. I was just starting to agree with what…